Weight Per Unit of Volume | Embossed 0,86 gr/cm³ Unembossed 1,25 gr/cm³ |
TS 7279 max.1,75 gr/cm³ |
Density | Embossed 1,46 gr/cm³ Unembossed 1,58 gr/cm³ |
TS EN ISO 1183-1 max.1,75 gr/cm³ |
Percentage of water absorption | Embossed % 0,5 | TS EN ISO 62 % 0,3 |
Water Vapor Diffusion Resistance Factor | Embossed 1012 Unembossed 2125 |
ASTM E96 > 1050 gr/m²/24 saat |
Coefficient of thermal expansion | Unembossed 34 x 10-6 Embossed 31 x 10-6 |
CRD C 39-81 30 x 10-6 |
Temperature Resistance Limit | 800°C no deterioration | ASTM E1069 max. 800°C |
Determination of Heat Conductivity Factor | Unembossed 0,36 W/mK Embossed 0,66 W/mK |
TS ISO 8302 0,31 W/mK |
Barcol Hardness | Unembossed 52 Embossed 49 |
TS EN 59 > 44 |
Impact resistance -Ball Method | No crackages. | DIN ISO 4586 T12 There should not be any crackages. |
Impact Resistance with Charpy Device | Impact surface Wallpaper 30 kJ/m² Impact surface Pavement surface 26,4 kJ/m² |
TS EN ISO 179-1 > 25.45 kJ/m² |
Sound Insulation | Unembossed 38 dB Embossed 40 dB |
TS EN ISO 140-3 3rd Sound intensity region in houses, hotels and classrooms 4th-5th Sound intensity region in bureaus and offices |
Tensile Breaking Force and Breaking Length | 40 N/mm² ve % 6,2 | DIN 53504 > 40 N/mm² ve % 2-3 |
Flexural Strength and Modulus of Elasticity | 319 N/mm² 40000 N/mm² |
TS 4650-2 > 200 N/mm² > 10000 N/mm² |
Frost Resistance | No deterioration | ASTM C 666 No deterioration |
Acid Resistance | No deterioration | TS 8174 No Deterioration |
Fire class | - | TS EN 13501-1/ Class A2 s1 d0" |